Sunday, 19 March 2017

My First Feature!!

Happy Sunday everyone!

I hope you are all having a fabulous weekend.

So.. This is only a baby post and it isn't about a new product or something alike. It is actually to share with you the exciting news that I had on Friday evening!

As you'll already know if you have read my previous post - I suffer with acne. My skin saviour and the reason behind my now clearer skin is the amazing Skin Accumax from the Advanced Nutrition Programme.

When I started Happy In My Skin just under 8 weeks ago I never imagined the blog would receive anywhere near the response it has had. I only ever set out to share my journey tackling my acne in hope that it would help and advise others who were having the same struggles. I have always wanted my blog to be real and relatable, hence me being very open about all aspects of my life and sharing photos of not just 'made up' me but also me stripped down - spots and all.

The response has been amazing. My nearest and dearest have all been so supportive and proud of me. New people - both male and female - have contacted me regarding my posts after they have read them and been able to relate. Most recently (my exciting news) my blog is now featured on the IIAA Influencer Highlights page, I will pop a link below. The fact that such a knowledgeable brand has read and thought a lot of my posts means literally so much to me.

Featuring on the website has been amazing for the blog, the volume of people reading my posts has gone way further than I could ever have dreamt of initially. I can only hope that it will increase the amount of people my posts can touch, help and advise.

Thank you again for your continuing support with my blog. Don't forget to subscribe on the main page if you want to keep up to date with new posts. Also, I always love to hear from you.

Have a gorgeous Sunday evening!

Bethany xx

Any other links are in bold pink as always.



  1. Congratulations on your feature, that's so amazing! Wishing you many more successful features. Lots of love. xx

    PS: Your font size is really tiny, it would be great if it could be a little bigger next time? :)

    Coco Bella Blog

    1. Thank you! That's really kind :)

      Ooo thanks, I will bear that in mind! xx


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